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Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: High performance computing - HPC - Parallel computing - Graph algorithmics - Graph - Hypergraph

Functional Description: MetaPart is a framework for graph or hypergraph manipulation that addresses different problems, like partitioning, repartitioning, or co-partitioning, ... MetaPart is made up of several projects, such as StarPart, LibGraph or CoPart. StarPart is the core of the MetaPart framework. It offers a wide variety of graph partitioning methods (Metis, Scotch, Zoltan, Patoh, ParMetis, Kahip, ...), which makes it easy to compare these different methods and to better adjust the parameters of these methods. It is built upon the LibGraph library, that provides basic graph & hypergraph routines. The Copart project is a library used on top of StarPart, that provides co-partitioning algorithms for the load-blancing of parallel coupled simulations.